#50@50 Iskolar ng Bayan Fund

The education we earn from the University of the Philippines (UP) is transformational for many of us! In more ways than one, a UP degree has contributed to the successes in our careers and personal lives. Given the current situation in the Philippines, our support is needed to assist undergraduate students to earn their degrees from UP.

While tuition at UP is now free, the costs of books and living expenses continue to be a challenge for many UP students. Several are high academic achievers but financially vulnerable. The cost of living for a UP student is about $760 a year or a total of $3,040 for a four-year degree. System-wide scholarships are somewhat limited; this is one area where organizations like UPAA-W can make a difference.

In celebration of UPAA-W’s 50th Golden Anniversary in 2024, we are launching #50@50 Iskolar ng Bayan Fund. The #50@50 fundraising drive aims to generate donations from UP alumni, family, and friends to support at least 50 undergraduate scholars. Whether you want to support one scholar for a year or 4 years or make a one-time or recurring donation of any amount, your generosity will make a huge impact on the life of every UP Iskolar ng Bayan!

Ways to Give

* If you prefer to give via Venmo please use @UPAAW or scan the QR code below. Thanks!

Cream is currently a member of UPAA-W Board of Directors and Chairman of the Asuncion-Miteria Value our Heritage Committee.